Constitution Last Amended 05/08/06

Section 4 - Rules and Regulations of THE NEW SOUTH WALES CICHLID SOCIETY inc – as adopted from the Corporate Affairs Model Constitutional Rules
1. Name:

The New South Wales Cichlid Society Inc, which was established 11th of September 1982.

2. Aim:
The aim of this Society shall be the study, discussion and furtherance of all matters pertaining to the Family CICHLIDAE, and the environment. To be promoted by periodical meetings, possible excursions and the displaying of specimens, and by the publication of notes to members and other clubs when deemed desirable.

3. Memberships:
The Society’s membership shall consist of the following:

  1. Ordinary Members – A person interested in the Society and the furtherance of its aims, is eligible for ordinary membership as a member or life member, and upon enrolment in the Society shall receive the Society’s Journal, and be eligible to vote.
  2. Family Members – Family is defined as members of the same family and upon enrolment in the Society shall be eligible for two (2) votes.
  3. Junior Members – Shall be members aged sixteen (16) years and under, with parents or guardians accepting full responsibility for matters pertaining to the Society, and shall have no voting status.
  4. Corresponding Members – Individuals or organisations with an interest in the Society shall be eligible to become members, but shall not be eligible to vote.
  5. Life Members – A person who has served on the executive for 10 years and/or shown outstanding service to the Society as deemed by the executive may be eligible for election as “Life Member of the Society” upon nomination by the executive or at least two (2) financial members of the Society in good standing. Once nominated a two third (2/3) majority vote of all members present at the Annual General Meetings is required. Upon election Life Members shall be exempt from the payment fees. A life member attains all rights and privileges of a financial member.

4. Financial Year:
The financial year of the Society shall commence from the AGM each year, to the AGM of the following year.

5. Subscriptions:

  1. Subscriptions shall be paid annually by all members (except Life Members) and be due on the 1st of July and must be paid by the 31st of July of the same year.
  2. No person shall be entitled to the privileges of membership until their subscription has been paid in full, and if member’s subscriptions have not been paid before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting, then that person ceases to be a member.

6. Membership Acceptance:

  1. Application for membership shall be by recommendation by a financial member, and will be considered by the Executive. Notification of the Executive decision will follow.
  2. Membership of the Society may be terminated for failure to pay dues and/or other cause deemed by a two third (2/3) vote of the ordinary members to be in the best interest of the Society.
  3. An elected officer may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the remainder of the Executive, for cause, incapacity or refusal to carry out duties that are required of them, or any such officer as herein provided.

7. Management of the Society:

  1. The management of the Society shall be vested in an Executive of thirteen (13), consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Editor, Membership Officer and six (6) elected Councillors.
  2. No member shall hold more than one office position in this Society.
  3. All members of the Executive shall retire annually, but are eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting and at this meeting a new Executive shall be elected by the majority of members present and voting.
  4. The Executive shall hold meetings at least monthly, provided a quorum is present, at a time and place agreed to by the majority of members of the Executive.
  5. In the absence of the President at any meeting, his position will be assumed by the Vice President.
  6. An appeal against any decision of the Executive may be made by any individual member of the Society within a period of one (1) calendar month.
  7. Any vacancy on the Executive may be filled at the discretion of the Executive.
  8. Any member of the Executive who fails to attend at least three (3) consecutive monthly meetings without satisfactory reason, may have their position declared vacant.
  9. The legal ownership of the assets of the Society shall be vested in the Executive and is to be held in trust for the use of the Society, but the Executive shall have full control over expenditure of funds and the management of the property of the Society.
  10. Any member of the Executive who wishes to resign from the Executive may do so upon written notice to the Executive, stating their reasons, and this shall take effect from the expiration of one (1) calendar month from the date of the written notice or until the next meeting of the Executive.
  11. From the inception of the Society the Position of President shall not be held for a consecutive period of more than three (3) years.
  12. Under no circumstances shall personal details of any member of this Society be made available to any person or persons outside this Society.

8. The Executive:

  1. All elected positions of the Society shall be of an honorary nature, as no salaries or retainers will be paid.
  2. The Executive shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, Editor, Membership Officer and six (6) elected Councillors.
  3. Only “Ordinary Members” in good standing shall be eligible for nomination to the Executive. Members who accept nomination and are elected to the Executive, must show a willingness to serve and perform their duties to the best of their abilities, and advance the aims of the Society. Below listed are the duties of each office of this Society.
    1. President: Chair meetings both executive and general. Organise lectures where possible. Organise and oversee operations of the Society and Executive. Has casting vote at meeting in the advent of an equality of votes.
    2. Vice President: Chair meetings when President is not available.
    3. Secretary: Keep records of all minutes, both executive and general. File all correspondence of the Society for future reference, if need be. Responsible for the appropriate heading on each header page. Responsible for all correspondence in and out of the Society.
    4. Treasurer: Accept and bank all monies belonging to the Society. Pay out same as directed by the Executive. Organise items for the raffles and raffle tickets. Collect all monies at meetings and auctions where possible. Collect monies for advertising. Keep record of all members of the Society.
    5. Librarian: Keep records of all books, magazines and other items of the Society. Record all movements into and out of the Library of the Society. Collect any fines for late returns of books and magazines and pay same to the Treasurer. Display books and magazines orderly at all meetings for viewing. Pack away after meetings, Supply written inventory of all items to the new Librarian.
    6. Editor: Responsible for set-out of the Journal and distribution thereof. Collect all articles needed and required to keep the Journal going. Obtain any reprint material from magazines within the Library and elsewhere, if necessary. Send out reminders with the last yearly Journal and the first of the following year, so as to advise members of the dates for renewal of membership. Maintain a trading post in the Journal for the benefit of members.
    7. Membership & Public Relations Officer: Maintain up-to-date list of membership. Send out information about the Society to new members. Promote the Society by informing members and interested parties of upcoming events.
    8. Councillors:
      Table Shows Steward
      : Maintain records of all entries in each months shows. Organise judges for the Table Shows each month, endorsed by the Executive.
      Trade Table Stewards: Purchase any items deemed necessary for the Trade Table. Give invoice to the Treasurer for paying. Keep records of all items sold, and all items on the Trade Table, and supply an itemised list with costs of same to the Treasurer every 12 months for the Annual General Meeting and for the Auditor’s records. Supply a list of items to the next elected Trade Table Steward each year. Give all monies collected to the Treasurer for banking.
      Auction Steward : Maintain Mini auctions at each general meeting. Arrange Major auction lot No. allocations.
      Other functions of Councillors:
      1. Setting up of tables and chairs at each general meeting and at auctions, and pulling down of same after meetings and auctions are over.
      2. Purchase and pick up of food stuffs for all auctions.
      3. Supply of gas bottle for auction at a cost to the Society, obtaining of plastic bags and rubber bands.
      4. Writing up of names of attendees at all major auctions.
      5. Selling of raffle tickets at general meetings.
      6. Organising Christmas party functions and food and raffle for the Christmas party where necessary.
      7. Maintain sign-on books for members and non-members with appropriate headings in each book.
      8 Manual recording of lots sold at major auctions.
      9. Organise supper for general meetings.
      10. Organise plaques, awards and certificates.
      11. Assist in general duties as directed by the Executive.

9. Bank Account:

  1. The Society’s bank account is to be called “The New South Wales Cichlid Society Inc.” and all monies collected will be credited to the Society’s account at that bank.
  2. All cheques drawn by the Society will require two (2) signatures, these being the Treasurer and either the Secretary or the President. No two members of the same family may draw cheques, regardless of their positions held within the executive.

10. Quorum:

  1. A quorum for the transactions of official business at a general meeting shall consist of a simple majority of at least 60% of the Executive.
  2. A quorum for meetings of the Executive shall consist of at least 60% of the Executive.

11. Annual General Meetings:
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in August of each year. At this meeting, the President will submit a report of the proceedings of the past year, and the Treasurer a financial statement duly audited and certified by the Executive.

12. Amendments to the Rules and Regulations:
No part of these Rules and Regulations shall be reclined, amended or introduced other than at an Annual General Meeting or at a specified meeting called for that purpose. Before any alteration is complete, it will need to be put to the ordinary members at the next general meeting and be carried out by more than two thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting.

13. Notice of Motion:
Due notice of motion affecting the Rules and Regulations of the Society shall be given at the previous meeting to the Annual General Meeting. This notice of motion may be made by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive and/or 20% of Ordinary Members at a general meeting.

14. Method of Voting:
Nomination for office bearers shall be taken at the Annual General Meeting each year. Nominations can be made in writing or from the floor on the night of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations in writing have to reach the Society’s Secretary seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

15. Election of the Executive:
Elections shall be made by secret vote at the Annual General Meeting, if more than one (1) nomination is received for an individual position.

16. Income and Assets:

  1. The income and assets of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the aims of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid by way of dividends, bonus etc. to members of the Society except in the form of reimbursement of expenses incurred and approved by the Executive and accompanied by an official receipt, when possible.
  2. If upon dissolution of the Society there remains after the satisfaction of all debts any assets whatsoever, the same shall not be distributed amongst the members, but shall be donated to a registered charitable institution.

17. Correspondence:
All correspondences must be directed to the Society’s Secretary

18. This Society will not be liable for any unauthorised debts incurred by any person or member or any other person using the Society’s name whatsoever.

19. Meetings:
General meetings for the transaction of business, reading of minutes, correspondence and exhibitions of specimens shall be held on the 1st Saturday of each month, unless determined otherwise by the Executive. Next date to be decided at each meeting. A person must become financial after attending (2) meetings (except auctions) within the Society’s financial year.

20. Society’s Library – Books and Audio/Video Tapes:
All resources on loan shall be returned to the Librarian at the following monthly meeting. A fine may be imposed for the late return of the same. There will be a limit of (3) items per person.
Should an item be lost or damaged by a member, then that member is responsible for the cost of replacement.

21. Fees:
Annual subscription fees will be imposed. The amount will be
published at the beginning of a each financial year.
Subscriptions made after December 31 will cover the current and following financial years.

22. Trading Table:
A Trading Table will be provided for the members to enable them to dispose of excess fish, plants or accessories. Ample time will be allowed at each meeting for the use of this facility. An amount of 15% of the sale price of a member’s article will be retained by the Society and the balance will be given to the respective member.

23. Table Shows:
Table shows will be held according to the Table Show Guidelines published by the Society.

24. Breeders Achievement Awards:
This award is designed to credit members for having bred various species of cichlids. A token of merit will be awarded as each member reaches various levels of breeding achievement.
These levels are:

  • 10 species bred
  • 20 species bred
  • 30 species bred
  • 40 species bred
  • 50 species bred
  • 60 species bred
  • 70 species bred
  • 80 species bred
  • 90 species bred
  • 100 species bred
  • 110 species bred
  • 125 species bred
  • 150 species bred
  • 175 species bred
  • 200 species bred
  • 225 species bred
  • 250 species bred
  • 275 species bred
  • 300 species bred

25. Conditions for Breeders Achievement Awards:

  1. Limited to financial members only.
  2. For the claim to be recognised, some fry must have survived for two (2) calendar months after free swimming date. If this condition is satisfied, a certificate will be issued.
  3. When ten (10) species are confirmed, a special award will be issued.
  4. A claim will be allowed for individual species only once. Different colour morphs of the same species, e.g. Tropheus moorii, will be treated as individual species.
  5. A claim will not be recognised, if the executive person in charge of this aspect of the Society is not notified within one (1) calendar month of confirmation date

26. Proxy Votes:
Proxy votes will be allowed at the Annual General Meeting. They must be registered with the Secretary in writing, giving proxy, and signed by the member nominating his/her proxy.

Appendix I


  1. The creation, amalgamation and dissolution of a branch must be approved by the executive of The NSW Cichlid Society inc and a 2/3 majority vote of the ordinary membership at an AGM or extraordinary meeting of The NSW Cichlid Society Inc.
  2. A branch must have a minimum of 10 financial members.
  3. The governance of each branch is conducted independently by the elected committee of that branch in accordance to the constitution of The NSW Cichlid Society inc.
  4. All branch members (with the exception of Corresponding and Junior Members) have voting rights in all matters of The NSW Cichlid Society inc, However are unable to vote in the election of the committee of The NSW Cichlid Society inc. Only Members of a branch may elect the committee at their nominated branch.
  5. Membership dues and joining fees are payable to The NSW Cichlid Society inc. and must be forwarded directly to the:
    NSW Cichlid Society
    Membership Officer
    P.O. Box 43
    LURNEA 2170
    Membership & joining fees are to cover the subscription to the societies journal “The Cichlid Circular” and the cost of the badge and membership kit supplied to branch members.
  6. All moneys raised by the branches (i.e. through auctions, raffles, sponsorship etc.) remain the funds of the branch for use by that branch in accordance to the constitution.
  7. A branch may not enter into any financial arrangements in the name of The NSW Cichlid Society inc. Any debts incurred by a branch will remain that of the branch and its members.
  8. In the event of the dissolution of a branch after all debts are settled, any remaining assets and all net monies become property of The NSW Cichlid Society inc.
  9. Financial statements and asset registers must be provided to The NSW Cichlid Society inc. annually by the end of the financial year or upon request by the executive of The NSW Cichlid Society inc.
  10. Each branch and its membership will be covered under the compulsory public liability insurance policy held in the name of The NSW Cichlid Society inc and its branches.
  11. Each branch will appoint a representative to the Executive of the New South Wales Cichlid Society Inc. This representative will hold one (1) vote within the executive.

Next Meeting


1 MARCH 2025
The next Major Auction will be held on Saturday, 1 March 2025.


2025 Meeting Schedule

  • 1 February 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 1 March 2025 @ 4:00 PM MAJOR AUCTION
  • 5 April 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 3 May 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 7 June 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 5 July 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 2 August 2025 @ 7:30 PM Annual General Meeting and MEGA Fish Raffle
  • 6 September 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 4 October 2025 @ 2:00 PM MAJOR AUCTION
  • 1 November 2025 @ 7:30 PM Monthly Meeting & Mini Auction
  • 6 December @ 7.30pm - Christmas Meeting & Mini Auction

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